YA book cover trends

A couple of days ago I was browsing the library and I noticed a lot of YA covers are really similar. There are certain trends, if you like. So I thought it would be fun to go through some of them and tell you what I think! So without further ado, let’s get started!Just a little disclaimer, I’m talking about the covers in this post, not the content of these books. I haven’t read most of them, so I’m not in a place to say anything about that. I found all of the covers while browsing a list of YA books on Goodreads.


13335037   17399160   20510241

I’m starting with a very obvious one here. Symbols. Dystopians are very good at this. Seriously, it’s like they were throwing symbols at the dystopian writers! Don’t get me wrong though, a symbol can be cool, I think the Snow like ashes one is great, but it’s overdone!

Swirly typography

25164304   24346235   12000020

20983362   23299512   21524446

This is a trend I really like. Swirly typography is just so beautiful!


18810348   20443235   16034235

Fantasy books are a big one when it comes to this trend. If the main character fights a lot with swords, you bet there will be one on the cover! Okay, maybe not always but you get what I mean.

Girls in big dresses

10507293    12358349     17134589

They are a lot of these types of covers too. I don’t know what to think of it. It can be pretty, but often times it is very cheesy.

Fierce girls looking away

25944798   17342701   ryjsxhju%c2%a7szuru

Okay, this one I do get. Publishers want to give you the change the imagine a character like you want to imagine them, so they don’t show a face. Still it’s overdone! Also, look! swords! What a surprise.

Half faces

24768   2802316   5391115

So for some reason it’s a thing to only put half a face on the cover. I guess they think it’s mysterious?? I’m sorry, but in my opinion these covers are just awful.


452306  5664985  6318426

The title of this trend is kind of vague, because I didn’t know what to call it. I can’t really explain it, but I hope you get what I mean from the examples.

I’m going to end it here for today, but I might do a continuation post, because now that I’m paying attention to these trends, I see a lot of them. I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you’d like to see that continuation post! See you next time!


20 thoughts on “YA book cover trends

  1. “Fierce girls looking away” lol love it! You’re so right about the trends though. I see them everywhere! I kind of like them, and kind of get annoyed by them. I think my favourite is the swirly typography. I know a book is going to be good when the title takes up the whole cover 😀 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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  4. This is brilliant. I have actually been thinking about doing a post similar to this. I was going through my personal books with a friend and she pointed out all of my YA books have similar colors–so talking about books with blue covers. I’m pretty sure half of my books have blue covers and the other half are red for some reason.
    But this is a really cool connection you made with the covers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: My Life in Books tag | Brilliantly bookish

  6. I do agree most of these trends are overdone but can I say that I don’t really mind it? I actually find most of them quite beautiful and they always catch my attention when browsing through a shelf so go publishers! XD
    Except for the big dresses and people, which I find too common and unappealing. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post! I like typography too! but I love Aristotle and Dante so I might be biased there XD haha for some reason on the first one I thought about The Hunger Games haha

    Eva great posts! I hope you could take a look at my blog! I am totally keeping an eye on yours! :3

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Weird Book Trends | Naty's Bookshelf

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