September Bullet Journal // tea

Hey! How are you? I hope you had a great Summer! I sure did, which is why I’ve been gone for a while. Nevertheless, I’m excited to show you what I did in my bullet journal for September. I decided to go for a nice purple colour and use tea as a theme. Continue reading

And that’s a wrap // May

Hey! How are you? I hope you’re really good. I know this wrap-up is really late. I started writing it at the beginning of June, but then exams happened and well, this was shoved from the list of priorities. Nevertheless, I’m excited to be back and tell you about May. It was a really good month for me. I went to Paris, I celebrated my birthday, and much more. Let me tell you how my reading went! Continue reading

How well do I know my books?

I should be writing my May wrap-up, but when I came across this challenge on Booksandlala’s channel, I knew I had to do it! It’s a really fun video! So, today I’ll be answering questions about my books. How well do I really know them? At the moment, my collection consists of 86 novels. I’ll be using a random number generator to pick between them and then count along my shelves. Let’s do this! Continue reading